Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Swagger to the Max

Us, late Eighties
It was the end of the 80's and I was not known for my wise decisions. But even my heftiest of skeptic had to marvel at what I'd brought back from my military stint: a beautiful, brilliant, beaming girlfriend. 'What could SHE see in HIM?' they wondered. I knew better than to ask. Instead, I quietly thanked God for doing me a solid when he ushered this beguiling creature into my life. It was no less than a cosmic upgrade, for suddenly I found myself a civilian again, with a hot blonde on my arm. It's amazing what that will do for a young man's swagger. Yes, with her by my side, I wasn't even troubled bu the fact that my man-do would make Conway Twitty twinge. I credit the presence of this pretty woman with convincing me I had something to contribute to this globe; imagine her chagrin when I decided it would be (gulp!) local television. Still, that didn't scare her off. She pursued nursing, I learned to zoom with my feet and before you know it a wedding date was set. That was nineteen years ago today and even to my surprise, we're still going strong. Somewhere along the way, my lovely wife replicated herself; now I'm the father of two beautiful girls who I pray will hold off a bit before bringing home some lucky schlub like the one pictured above. When they do, I'll damn sure give him the business, for no one knows better than I the residual benefits of a good woman. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go take out the trash. Life ain't ALL romance, ya know...


turdpolisher said...

congrats slinger. after you take out the trash, make sure you take her to dinner. one of those fancy places where you gotta wear shoes and a shirt.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, guys. I love hearing you talk about your wife in such glowing terms all the time. It gives hope that love really can last, even in this day and age!

Horonto said...


I like how your hair is bigger than your wife's hairdo.

As a father of 2 girls 15 & 10. I hope I handle it well when they bring some young gentleman.

Murman said...

Well done 'slinger. Best wishes in the years to come.

Anonymous said...

I told you that gal was a "keeper". Congrats to you both....Crookedpaw

Anonymous said...

The only reason she's hung around so long is for your pension; plus the fact you're hardly ever home. Or could it be....
Seriously, well done, my friend. Drop me a line sometime.

Doug E. Fresh