Celebrity - it can be scary...
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Morning Show Manufactured Madness
Celebrity - it can be scary...
Friday, July 29, 2005
WXLV/WUPN Dumps News
As an avowed broadcaster, it pains me anytime a newscast goes dark - especially when it puts friends of mine out of work. Such is the case with the recently announced shutdown of news operations at WXLV/WUPN. It's the second time since 2002 that WXLV has eradicated their newsroom. When they resurrected their efforts under the UPN banner, few local pundits gave them much of a chance. Though the Piedmont Triad is far from the zenith of local TV news, it IS a highly competitive market where we regularly eat our young. UPN 48 had the extra detriment of being part of Sinclair's (fundamentally flawed) "News Central" business model, which mixed locally produced news with general news produced in Maryland for nationwide distribution. Perhaps WXLV/WUPN General Manager Ron Inman put it best:
"Our people have done an incredibly professional job. The reality is they were up against three 900-pound gorillas."
True Dat. I just hope the newsies I know who are out of a job can quickly regain their footing. Among those in my thoughts are two icons of local newsgathering: reporter Leonard Simpson and photographer Bill Welch. Leonard is a gentleman in a cad's business - expertly-versed in all things Piedmont-Triad and well respected for it. Bill Welch isn't as well known to viewers, but anyone whose done time at a Greensboro crime-tape convention knows the tall, balding smart-ass in the ball-cap. If you think I got stories to tell; spend a few minutes with 'Mr. Bill'. Both he and Leonard have forgotten more than most newsgatherers around here know yet, and I can't think of any competitors I'd rather hang out with at the trainwreck/council meeting/shoot-out. Surely both will soon be gracing the airwaves of their choice - provided they still want to play this silly game. As for me, I'm just glad I've had the honor of learning from them both. Here's wishing the best of luck to everyone at UPN 48 now facing a less certain future.
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Robot Gets Wet
I just love this photo Little Lost Robot posted on his always-entertaining blog. In it, you see him issuing the standard "Do NOT splash the cameraman, or you WON'T be on television!" lecture." It's one of the many speeches we lenslingers employ to calm the younger crowd. A few of my favorites:
"Don't hurt the cameraman!"
"Act like MY kids and ignore me."
"C'mon, Grandma doesn't wanna see you throwin' gang signs."
"Pretend there's not a furry cameraman in your face."
"No, I don't have Tera William's 'digits'."
There's a time and a place for each response of course - but truth be told, few admonishments work on children. The mere sight of an oversized lens and instantly recognizable logo is enough to spark riots in cafeterias, classrooms and gymnatoriums everywhere. Throw in some sugar cookies, grape Kool-Aid and a half-dozen water slides and You Sir, have the making of an apocalypse. I've covered hostage stand-offs and felt safer.
Schmuck Update: Go Home Kenny!
Whatever the exact reason for this dimwitted ruffian's inexplicable rage, there's something about being a pampered millionaire athlete that really pisses him off. Imagine his blood pressure now that the Grand Poobah of his sport has sidleined him for 20 games and fined him 50,000 dollars. Commissioner Selig:
Thanks, Bud. I know this won't break Rogers' career or anything, but it's nice to think of him at home, stewing in his own juices for at least a short while. For someone who apparently detests attention, his juvenile antics sure have earned him alot of unwanted ink and airtime. I can only hope that I've played a tiny part in his continued torment. Schmuck.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Heatwaves, Ice and FM Radio
Still, I’d much rather listen to "Two Guys Named Chris"...
Online Journalism Wiki
In between the blogging and the television, I'm delighted to be taking part in a new kind of collaborative journalism this week. Mark Glaser of Online Journalism Review kindly invited me to be one of five writers involved in crafting a wiki-like article on what I've come to think of as The Rosenblum Proposal.
Here's how it works: Over the next two days, I, along with four others (including Rosenblum himself) take turns adding our thoughts to the ongoing rant. It being a wiki, we five blowhards endlessly publish and edit our opinions while OJR readers submit questions and steer the discussion. At the end of the two days, Glaser will render a final edit that will live on-line forever afterward. Or at least until the Pod People come.
So if such a discussion should interest you, hop on over to the Online Journalism Review for a bracing give-and-take on 'Video journalists': Inevitable revolution or way to cut TV jobs?' If you'd rather take a screwdriver to the eyesocket than suffer through yet another blistering diatribe on the decline of Weatern Television, well then, rest easy and know that your friendly neighborhood lenslinger is keeping busy...
Monday, July 25, 2005
County Commission Theater
Ahem...the opinions expressed in the following piece are the sole posession of the author, not the broadcast outlet he so proudly schleps expensive gear for.
In an effort to avoid heat-wave duty out on the interstate, today I opted for an assignment more political in nature: the residual controversy surrounding two Guilford County Commissioners’ recent trip to Hawaii. Ho-Hum. Don’t get me wrong; fiscal responsibility on behalf of our elected officials is righteous fodder for us newsies. In fact the ensuing debate over Chairman Bruce Davis and vice chairman Paul Gibson trip to Honolulu for a five-day National Association of Counties annual conference has chewed up enough bandwidth and paper-space to choke a goat. But, minus a ticket on the Scott Yost Express, it makes for lousy television. So I was a little reluctant to play clean-up on a dying dispute, until I spotted a fellow photog searching for the giant thermometer we use to demonstrate ‘just HOW HOT it is in this parked car’. On second thought, bring on the brouhaha.
The first stop Nico Belha and I made was at the offices of Guilford County Commissioner Chairman Bruce Davis, a man I once interviewed while being nearly crushed to dust by thousands of rabid Fantasia fans. But there were no screaming street urchins waiting for us today, only the diffident Mr. Davis who ushered us into his office with understated graciousness. Nico, new to the area, didn’t let her lack of back-story stop her from nearly grilling the Chairman on the details of his trip. As Davis’ eyes narrowed, I locked and loaded the viewfinder - making sure to keep the Hawaiian lea draped over a lamp in my frame. Though reticent to provide a detailed synopsis of his junket to a reporter he’d never met, Davis remained ever polite and conveniently vague. When pressed to respond to the many critics of his taxpayer-funded trip to The Islands, he delivered a line that sounded eerily rehearsed.
“Well would it make them happy if we held it in Death Valley?”
Thirty minutes later Billy Yow jumped at the chance to answer that question.
“That’d be a good place for him, right out in the middle of Death Valley would suit me fine.”
Yow seethed at my lens, looking like he always he did - like he just finished digging a well. Since that’s actually what he does for a living, I’ll spot him the dungarees. In fact it was over a gaping hole in a nice lady’s yard that we caught up with the homespun lightning rod that is Billy Yow. As he unleashed another torrent, I looked over at Nico, who despite having never heard the name Yow before today, certainly knew a walking sound-bite when she met one. Standing before our camera, Billy Yow bristled with vitriol over what he considered his colleague’s wasteful spending, using a southern-fried sarcastic tone that always reminds me of the small-minded baseball coach I suffered under as a kid. To be fair though, Yow now employed no more venom in Davis’ absence than I’ve seen him use while seated beside the man at one of those impossibly contentious Commissioner Meetings. There have been a few where I’ve eyed the emergency exit should a wrestling match break out.
Which brings me to a conundrum I’ve often wrestled with while loitering by the tripod at the back of the room. How come successful, educated, seemingly rational people run for public office only to devolve into infantile behavior once they‘re seated? I’m not just talking Guilford County, either. I’ve done time in County Commissioner and City Council meetings from here to the coast. No matter what issue was at hand, I’ve been summarily flummoxed by the childishness exhibited by the low-level politico. Black, White, or Plaid, the foolishness knows no racial bounds. Something about achieving a local constituency makes eight out of ten well-meaning civic geeks go absolutely bat-shit. Why that is I don’t know, but commissioner hissies and councilman tantrums are as common an occurrence as that dork on TV, the one broadcasting live(!) from the backseat of some housewife’s grocery-getter with a giant thermometer in his sweaty grip.
There, I feel better now.
“Well would it make them happy if we held it in Death Valley?”
Thirty minutes later Billy Yow jumped at the chance to answer that question.
“That’d be a good place for him, right out in the middle of Death Valley would suit me fine.”
There, I feel better now.
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Rosenblum VS the Photog Nation
In conventional television news, the reporter is the star of the piece. If you think about the grammar, the audience is kind of looking through a keyhole, 'priviledged' to see a conversation between Katie Couric and the hostage's mother...or whatever. We have made television into a purely voyeuristic experience, and in doing so distance the audience from the immediacy and power it should impart. When we work in the VJ model, I try to get the VJs to think of themselves as surrogates for the audience. Shoot where your eye takes you naturally. Follow your instincts in asking questions of following stories. Make the audience feel as though they are there, in the moment. I personally think it is a much more compelling and egaging way to do journalism than to have some reporter do a stand up and then shoot the side of someone's head as they answer questions.
As I said a long time ago, this is about alot more than small cameras. This is about developing a new style for television journalism. I am not sure what it will be, but I am sure that it is more than ready for a change. The real dynamic will come when more and more photogs like you guys pick up the cameras and start to play with the format and the approach. You know what you are doing, but there are lots more ways to do this. And no one is more qualified that you to try.
Look, you can spend the rest of your lives repeating what you already know how to do quite well. But I think we can all agree that TV news sucks. For lots of reasons. Story selection, content, length of pieces, anchors..you name it. You are in a unique position to help and drive a change.
Much of what Rosenblum preaches rings true. I've practiced many of those concepts for years, as an off-air and on-air one-man-band. But whereas my finished product emulates that of a two-person crew, Rosenblum seeks to forge his own brand of downsized auteurism. I'm listening, but I ain't sold yet. I'm all for street-level journalism, but take away the power and precision of my heavy glass and I get more than a little antsy. You would too, had you slung the damn thing all over the place as long as I have.
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