Boom microphones burst into flames if they dip into his shot.
He can change receiver frequencies using only his mustache.
Wherever he sets his tripod, begonias soon cluster.
High-speed police chases always follow his chopper's shadow.
Batteries grow stronger when placed in his pocket.
Oprah's photog comes over and jumps on his couch.
Whenever he wears jorts, a new South Pacific island chain forms.
His every whim comes with its very own time-code.
He once fed an entire village from a single fanny-pack.
Men on the Street stop to ask him questions.
He is The Most Interesting Cameraman In The World and his name is David R. Busse. Back in the summer of 1983, he even caused floodwater along the Colorado River to evaporate - but not before stopping to pose with a couple of mere mortals...
"We had no satellite trucks or other live capability from the California-Arizona border area, so we spent three weeks flying out there each day, shooting a story and flying back, to feed our footage from an airport tarmac in Riverside, Rialto or wherever..."Sure you did, Busse, sure you did. Stay thirsty, my friend.