Ahhh, the God Shot - that mythical frame that eludes news shooters both moving and still. At first, it's barely a concept. Soon however it morphs into obsession; a single minded quest for a vantage point the viewer will never see coming. It isn't always worth it. Rash acts rarely are. But when a committed lenslinger begins lusting for a certain angle, you'd best damn take cover. Before you know it, he (or she) will climb out on the struts of a wobbly chopper, strap himself to the hood of a black and white or jam a camcorder into an old aquarium and get wet. THAT'S exactly what my competitor Aaron Glancy did today as we faced off on the banks of the Mighty Dan. While I clung to the crumbling shore and bitched about the heat (my normal M.O. this time of year), the intrepid Glancy encased his rig in fish-house and plunged into the drink. Dude's got moxie (and hopefully a change of clothes somewhere). And while the muddy water may have clouded this particular vision, all was not lost - for the pasty schlub who stayed ashore left most impressed.
Almost makes me sorry for all those rocks I threw at him.