Wednesday, November 18, 2009


The Wrapping Reporter
Now, I'm not positive, but I'll bet when Shelby Baker decided to pursue the glamorous world of TV News, rolling up extension cords in the rain was probably NOT what she had in mind. But that's exactly what El Ocho's prettiest new reporter did just a few short hours ago as she and I sought shelter after the storm. It was no small gesture. See, some reporters make a big show of not helping out. It's their prerogative, I guess. Up in The Bigs, it's probably not even allowed. But here in the land of medium market television, it's generally expected that the on-air correspondent will at least kick in a little once the mast begins to drop. Most do, knowing that 9 out of 10 photogs are way too anal about their gear to let them do too much anyway. Me - I'll take it or leave it...

A Southerner by luck, I'm not one to insist an overly coiffed colleague get sloppy, should they be all dressed up with some place to go. But hey, if it's just us, a truck and thirty things to pick up, would you mind at least pretending to help? I promise I won't hand you anything too muddy. Of course if you do like a few (male) reporters from my past and apply hand lotion in the passenger seat while I gather up the gadgets that just enabled your face-time... well, that's cool too. I won't bash you on the blog, I won't even demand your man card. I will however think lesser of you - and pray for the day when some news director hands you a Sony of your very owny - along with a whole bunch of other tools you'll have to traffic in (and out) all by your lonesome.

Until then, grab that tripod, would ya? My hands are slick from the moisturizer I found in your bag.


Amanda said...

I'd be careful with the moisturizer comments if I was you...once upon a time I sold tons of that s**t to burly loggers.

Anonymous said...

That reporter is a class act to help out. In my experience, a reporter who helps from time to time in a pinch gets the hardest work out of the photogs he or she works with. Young reporters should pay attention and not feel so entitled all the time.

Anonymous said...

This post should be REQUIRED reading in every "J" school in the counrty!

Oreo said...

I can't be too hard on our talent at my station. We still have truck ops, so while the LTO and I pick up, they're in the truck writing and filing their web scripts and e-mailing the follow-up info to the newsroom.

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