As you may have guessed from the lack of bile oozing from this site, I'm on vacation. Actually, I've gone underground; forsaking my fancycam for a fortnight while I live among the peoples here at Sunset Beach. And what a peoples! 'Tweens jacked to the gills on food they're usually not allowed to eat, Hollow-eyed Dads wandering lost among the dunes with furniture on their backs, old women staging surgical strikes on trinket emporiums, Moms barking orders as they slather their offspring in enough sunscreen to spot-strip a Buick. And then there's me: your surprisingly humble lenslinger lurking among the uncomfortably numb, my only protection from recognition (PFFFT!) a half-masticated straw cowboy hat. No, pictures are not forthcoming. In fact, every time someone's jammed a camera in my hand, I've passed it off to my children - who incidentally sling a mean lens themselves. For proof, dig the above sunrise shot captured by my 12year old - hours before her old man stumbled from his sleeping chambers in a pair of flowery shorts, sun-scorched torso and bunkbed-head. If that imagien isn't horrific enough, know that it won't be long before I shake off this delicious torpor and bag a few photos of my own. First, I gotta finish blowing up this wretched beach float. I just hope the kids don't ask why their plastic alligator smells like Maker's Mark....
More to come.
1 comment:
Have a great time!
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