"Who are you and why are you stealing my stuff? If you're going to be a thief, at least be clever about it."Now, you've robbed me again. By quickly hiding your site behind a password, then moving it entirely, you have deprived me of the opportunity to expose your (far from) petty larceny. That's a shame, as I was really, really, really looking forward to your evisceration. Truth is, I still am. See, I'm of Irish descent and vengeful bent. I currently earn no coin from my writing, but I sure plan to someday. That said, you have absconded with my intellectual property and that is an ass-kickin' offense. But even as I sit here, plotting your utter destruction, I have to wonder WHY? I spotted no advertising on your site, so money can't be the motive. Is the hollow acclaim that turns you on? The few comments I saw appeared to be from people you know in real life. One in particular expressed surprise at your 'great writing'. That must just fill you with pride. It fills me with trepidation, as manhunts really aren't my syle. A good buddy of mine said I should be flattered at being plagiarized in the first place. I say, Eff That. I work too hard to let a coward like yourself co-opt my late night labor. You may have escaped with your identity intact, but I'm about to make you famous. Stand by... sleep tight, but know this:
You have robbed THE WRONG PHOTOG.
Of course, you could do yourself a favor and come out of hiding. Man up and explain yourself. I promise to listen - and answer.
I'm Stewart Pittman and I approved this message.
This is something I just don't get. How can someone feel good about stealing someone else's work?
Another blogger I follow found out she had the same problem in July...
Screw 'Lensflare', just keep being you.
Lensflare seems to be lacking a moral compass. Glad you're going to help him out with that...
the asshat deserves a boot in the balls. and a turd in his sauerkraut.
How very odd and very pathetic.
Here's hoping he left behind a trail of links from "admirers" whose admiring posts will ID this rat.
your mom told us about this yesterday ... RIDICULOUS! are people's lives not exciting enough without stealing someone else's life to live? I guess not!
No Class on the part of the prose pilferer.
Turd, don't think I can ever enjoy sauerkraut again.
Crush the dirty Canuck swine!
Now I enjoy a good mob now and again, but you've probably got the kid peeing his pants. But if that isn't enough satisfaction, I can do all of the "whois" and "nslookups" and snoop through google cache to find the guy for you if you promise you aren't actually going to harm him (I know you're not of course). A good cyber-beating is fun, but beware of the cross-border implications here, Canada has stricter libel laws than we do... he has not broken any laws here, since your blog entries aren't copyrighted but he may have broken Canadian laws... just a thought.
Youre a great writer and I'm a big fan! I think you've done the right thing by taking over his site and embarassing him! But I wouldn't go to0 far...eventhough he deserves it.
Keep writing and do what you keep doing, you know you've got fans!
-Jim Lytle, MN
Go get him, Lenslinger!
Thanks all for the words of interest. I'm not so much interested in exposing that Lensflare worm's true identity as I am shaming him for his wholesale theft. I do wish I'd been able to copy his site as it was brazen, egregious and infinitely lame. Hopefully I've already deprived him of further acts of larceny - without appearing outside his door with pitchforks and torches. That said, I'd probably send him a nasty e-mail should he ever surface. Maybe I should thank him for providing me with material for the weekend.
I just wanted to note that Stewart's works ARE COPYRIGHTED-- not having a copyright notice DOES NOT mean works aren't copyrighted. And as Canada and the USA do enforce each other's copyright laws the thief can be punished.
Stew, I've been through this many times and can help if you provide me with more info.
It's so ridiculous that he even thought he'd get away with it. Photog bloggers is kind've a small, niche group of bloggers, right?
I like how you went after him, though.
You know that if he's doing this, then his resume tape is probably all a 'borrowed' hack job as well.
Let's all load up in a live truck, drive up there and put the mast into his powerlines.
Hey, I'm just an armchair no-it-all, so sue me? LOL! I didn't really think it through I suppose; anything and everything one writes, no matter how eloquent or lame is their property. Googled blogger AND plagiarism... wow, lots of interesting reading. And big surprise, the Law is less than precise in the matter of plagiarism and copyright infringment. Learn something new everyday.
I hope you're doing well Stew! ;-)
Steve, you're not entirely wrong with your previous statements above about Canadian Law--they are strict! I've been digging and below are a few key points:
- In Canadian law, if a person (individual, corporation, society, etc.) says (slander) or writes (libel) something damaging to the reputation of another person (individual, corporation, society, etc.) then the words are said to be defamatory.
- Even truth is not an absolute defence --- if the court finds you told the truth but your intent was malicious, you might lose anyway. Canadian libel law is so draconian that people come from all over the world to file libel suits in Ontario.
-In Canadian libel law, generally speaking, every participant in the communication is liable
I say it's time for Canadian libel laws to be brought in line with 21st century realities!!! BS!!
Their law sucks! I guess we have to becareful? Haaa..so what.
First, I'm having Lensflare subpoenaed to testify before the Ways and Means to Make TV Interesting Commitee.
Then I'll staff draw up legislation so that this never happens again.
Afterwards, we'll follow the actions recomemded by the Turdpolisher since there won't be any immunity deals, did you know?
That is just bizarre, although I have to say that I've been stealing from Guapo's blog for the last year or so, I just take his posts and write them backwards. I suppose it explains why most of my posts are nonsencical ramblings, but he hasn't caught on yet.
If you're looking for some good ol' fashioned mob justice, I'll dust off my potato sack full of doorknobs and we can gather up a posse of disgruntled photogs. Not a posse anyone would take lightly.
If you have L-Flare's bookmark, you might try using the Wayback Machine archive to see if they cached any of the posts prior to the password protection for clues as to where to go in the Great White North. I've found some of my old station's first web pages hanging out there... Not sure it's cool but it's interesting. Mr. Peabody's invention can be found at http://www.archive.org/ - As a former northern border town dweller I would suggest any raiding party have the proper paperwork for re-entry. The guards aren't as friendly as they used to be when underagers went north for some illicit LaBatt's
I am heading into Raleigh in a couple weeks to face the Candian Horde on the battlefield...errr... golf course. I shall exact a measure of revenge upon them they won't soon forget, and in the process, righting a wrong in your honour (I misspelled it just for your enjoyment).
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