To make things infinitely worse, broadcasting’s most over-coiffed correspondents are there too. Lauer, Williams, Couric and the like - all flanked by deadpan camera crews and excitable producers. Before I even think to turn my TV back on they’ll have draped their most somber logo over every facet of this fresh cataclysm - grilling witnesses, lining up guests, jockeying for a better camera spot. By show-time, Virginia Tech’s darkest day will be expertly accented in network-level three point lighting. Roll the news music’s most plaintive cut, cue the grimaces all around and standby for Columbine 2.0.
I don’t mean to take away from the victims’ families. Their pain has just begun. I just hope their trauma isn’t too exacerbated by the feeding frenzy of the local yokels and media elite. For they deserve better. Losing a loved one so senselessly is punishment enough. Being goaded by a hungry press while your pain is still so new is often more than I can take (or dish-out at times). Still, there won’t be any shortage of breathless bystanders on the late and early newscasts. This is, after all, America in the year 2007. We even grieve in Hi-Def. Thing is, I no longer yearn to wrangle misery though a tube. I’ll go if I have to, but forgive me if, this time, I don’t volunteer.
"We even grieve in Hi-Def."
One of your best lines. Great post.
watching the media onslaught from
afar i was once again thinking
how i would love to spend a year
following the national media circus
around the country and show how
the sausage gets made.
a documentary called "the circus"
keep up the good work mr. pittman.
punky cameraman
one of your FOX brothers in tampa
I worked for a newspaper for years and found it quite distateful. Your tragedy is their bread and butter and you want to see a newsman's eyes light up...just say, "Shooting on the west side...". They're vampires and it's turned from informing the public into a bizarre media circus.
I don't want to hear about this tragedy rehashed on "The View", read it in the "Star". Let's give the families some peace and work quietly to ensure that something is done to address this issue. Constant rehashing by the media serves no good purpose.
But don't worry - there will be another tragedy, either man-made or natural that will send them spinning off in another direction for fresh blood.
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