David Hoggard reminds me (and every other Triad blogger) that it's past time to start promoting ConvergeSouth. Not a problem. This October (7th/8th) event is one I've long looked forward to, ever since my Blogfather hinted about it that day in his office. What was then vague talk of a 'happening' has morphed into a gathering of giants, a summit of thinkers, hell-bent on explaining and exploring "Creativity on the web for all people"...
That's a hefty bill, but the names already attached to this conference include more than a few 'rock stars' of the blogging world (did I just say that?). ConvergeSouth has other marketable aspects, namely it's price (Read: FREE). Also it's taking place at N.C . A&T, no stranger to diversity itself, in the heart of Greensboro in the fall. But why the Gate City? Greensboro's Internet community has become so active that The LA Times dubbed the city "Blogsboro" for the scores of people who have their own online journals...
That includes me, I suppose. So look for your trusty camera jockey at ConvergeSouth, I'll be there with my many lenses and mid-range laptop in tow. If you need me I'll be attending the many sessions, learning about podcasting, video-streaming and all other manners of web communications from the very pioneers of the forms themselves. When I'm not out back, washing Ed Cone's car, that is. (Sue's too, I'm now told...)
Mine is the 4-door black one; I'll leave it next to Ed's to make it easier for you. (see the parking map here [large file alert].
You'll have to post you pkg online. Hell, I might call Daniels and hint that you should do a Nat-pak!
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