Thursday, March 24, 2005

The Reluctant Scavenger

As much as I‘d like to regale you with stories of behind the scenes silliness, it just wasn‘t that kind of day. For only an hour after hearing of a fatal four car pile-up on the morning news, I was wiping angry raindrops off my lens as cops and firefighters sifted through the wreckage in question. What followed was a long miserable day of unforgiving deadlines, pouring rain and broken live trucks. I could fill page after page with details from this torturous ten hour day, but it just doesn’t feel right.

Why? Two people died in the crash, one a promising 17 year old on his back from feeding the homeless at a nearby shelter, the other a quiet, giving woman loved by all. I did not know Daniel Cupit or Betty Hardin, but after reluctantly re-tracing their steps, I feel like I should have. It’s the part of my job I hate the most. Life is precious, much too valuable and meaningful to be distilled into ninety seconds of close-ups and soundbites. But that’s exactly what I did today, and while I know better than to try read logic into their untimely deaths, it’s human nature to try. So while I try to put these details out of my mind, understand if I don’t mine the story for humorous incidentals.

Check back later for happier fare. Until then, hug your loved ones.


Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm April and I'd just like to say that I was/am a friend of Daniel's, and it was very nice of you to put the post about him on your site. if you have any questions or comments my email is Thanx!

Anonymous said...

Hello. I'm unsure of the age of this artical, but I was also a friend of Daniel's and the rest of his family, as well. I, also, appreciate what you said about Daniel, and it pleases me to hear that some in the media do care about what they're writing about. I was torn to pieces after reading the news headline, 'Police Say Student was Not Wearing a Seatbelt.' So, once again, thank you for having a heart.

Anonymous said...

hi i'm daniels cousin gabrielle if you read the death pages you know i exist everyone should have know daniel he was a great person i rememer when i was 6-7 we all played together he and his two brothers obbery and kyle, they thought i was a goofy little kid but know i'm more mature as my 11th birthday has passed but that spring tested my maturety if anyone reads this don't feel bad to feel good because he's up there partying with jesus and if he could have had last words i think they would be go with god because god rocks!! i beleive it!!

Anonymous said...

this is gabrielle again i am now 12 and 1/2 and daniel has been in heaven for almost 2 years earthly time this article really inspires me and i love reading it! i want to thank you for putting it up to begin with! god bless you, gabrielle!

Anonymous said...

Hey Gabrielle again. I'm now fourteen I can't believe it's been so long since Daniel died. I began my freshman year of high school while my cousins, Daniel's brothers, are finishing up there fourth year in college. If anyone ever stumbles across this article and reads what I have written I hope it brings strength and encouragement. Know that we leave legacy's and Daniel left his to me, and to so many others.