I'm STILL trying to figure out how I feel exactly about the
Newsbreakers. Just last week this merry band of idiots contaminated yet another Live(!) shot by working the world's happiest Grim Reaper into the backdrop of a couple of Columbus, Ohio TV news remotes. When contacted by phone the Reaper himself riffed on his relationship with the Sinclair Broadcasting group...
"I'm tight with organizations like Sinclair. I try to respect their deadlines as my own," the Reaper said. "I strive to preserve the synergy that exists between us."

Okay, THAT'S funny. Look, I'm all for stinging social satire and I'll give this group props for highlighting the electronic media's fascination with the fast and easy bleed, but I'd feel a whole lot better about these clowns if I better understood their agenda. Surely they don't think interrupting live shots with silly masks is going to change anything? If they're a bunch of drunken frat pukes, I say more power to them, If they're serious media critics, I gotta question their tactics (and their wardrobe choices.)

Of course that's the midnight analyst in me talking. The weathered photog in me says 'screw their motive, get 'em out of my shot!" I know more than a
few lenslingers will even less patience than me who wouldn't think twice about physically removing said invader, regardless of WHAT satirical bent he's pursuing. I hope this doesn't happen, otherwise the Grinning Reaper may get a camera battery to the rubber-masked temple and worse yet, a photog may lose his job.
So, in an effort to head this thing off at the pass, or at least get a better understanding of this broadcast buffoonery, I'm reaching out to the Newsbreakers. I'm moments away from dispatching a query to the
Live(!) Shot Liberators, in hopes they'll answer a few terse if not turgid questions. Stay tuned...
Sorry to hear that you guys are having this particular problem. I fear that it's only a matter of time before this spreads to the my area. I'd be interested in hearing how you guys end up dealing with this situation.
im just happy to something different on the day to day drab of news. its like playing wheres waldo? with my tv set.
"somebody died, blah blah blah, this got stolen, blah blah blah, war in the..., blah blah blah, crazy guy in invisible suit walks by camera, YEAH WE FOUND HIM!!, next channel."
No, no, no! Happiest grim reaper is CHACAL on Sabado Gigante. See
There was a time as a young photog I might have forcefully removed them. Now as an old photog we do so many foolish live shots BECAUSE WE CAN! Those who want to disrupt our live shots have the same right to be on public property as we do. WE are to blame, sports shots with crazy fans yelling and mugging for the cam. Should they read our minds that this is a serious story so your should act accordingly. Acting stupid is so easy WE do it every day.
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