Sunday, April 19, 2020

A less than polite request...

You there, bashing "the media". Couple things...

1. Blaming "the media" is like hating hurricanes, but constantly harping about "the weather", as in "I was having a great summer until 'the weather' blew my pick-up into a ditch." Technically accurate, but vague enough to make you sound lazy at best, ignorant at worst. Be specific! Words matter! Chances are what got your undies in a bunch was a certain media outlet that had the gall to say something you didn't like. We used to call that 'journalism', but decades of irresponsible cable punditry have sadly sullied the term.

2. If blaming "the media" is the best you got, do us both a favor and scratch me off your friends list. I've been a TV News nerd since 1989 and am extremely comfortable with the content I produce. For the past few weeks, I've put my own health at (minimal) risk while churning out dozens of "feel good" stories for our nightly newscasts. I do it because it's my job and because I still believe in the power of the free press.

You, of course, have every right to disagree with me. Some of my family members do. All I ask is the next time "the media" is on your lips, select a modifier. A simple adjective does wonders to clarify your message. In the meantime, I'm going to keep producing responsible television, knowing that History will be a harsh judge of us all in the time of the Coronavirus. I, for one, am sleeping like a baby.

Rant over. I'll let you get back to blaming the messenger...

1 comment:

นักเขียน มีราคะ said...
