Now, as profound as that may sound, it's delivered with contempt, leaving the audience convinced that Larry (and every other TV news shooter on the planet) is a lumpy schlub. Untrue. Only about half of us are. The rest of us are raconteurs, bons vivants and artisans Why, I knew one guy who made a whole row of main anchor voodoo dolls using nothing but undead Double AA's and his own stomach lining. You won't see that on the silver screen! Neither will you find realistic depictions of other standard-bearers like taxidermists, auto-pilots or that bearded weirdo who use to stalk you at the roller-rink. People think it's easy skating backwards in glitter shorts and a disco wig, but I'm tellin' ya, it's a *heck* of a lot more complicated than that.
Wednesday, June 06, 2012
And Justice for Some...
Now, as profound as that may sound, it's delivered with contempt, leaving the audience convinced that Larry (and every other TV news shooter on the planet) is a lumpy schlub. Untrue. Only about half of us are. The rest of us are raconteurs, bons vivants and artisans Why, I knew one guy who made a whole row of main anchor voodoo dolls using nothing but undead Double AA's and his own stomach lining. You won't see that on the silver screen! Neither will you find realistic depictions of other standard-bearers like taxidermists, auto-pilots or that bearded weirdo who use to stalk you at the roller-rink. People think it's easy skating backwards in glitter shorts and a disco wig, but I'm tellin' ya, it's a *heck* of a lot more complicated than that.
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The dawn of television was a much different age...I have newspaper clippings about one CBS "See It Now" photog who upstaged his now famous partner that your city now lionizes whenever the two were together.
Though in those days of respect, male 'togs had to wear suits and ties...a scary thought for you to ponder.
Try being a local cameraman actually named "Larry" .... I always reply yes I've seen the movie ... ha ha ha ... At the end of the day I'm just happy Chris Elliot held the camera correctly, one of the few times in the history of Hollywood this has been achieved.
My dad was a taxidermist for a while...guess I get to sue the Lenslinger Institute now?accor
Ooh! Ooh! Can I be a bon vivant?
And if I can, do I get to wear a cape?
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