With Apologies to Kansas...
I close my eyes, only for a moment, and the timeline's gone...
All my scenes pass before my eyes, a curiosity...
Cuts in the Bin
All they are is cuts in the bin
Same old bug, just a spinning beach-ball in an endless wave...
All we slice crumbles into dust though we refuse to save...
Cuts in the Bin
All we are is cuts in the bin
Oh, ho, ho
Now, don't reboot, nothing lasts forever but the next deadline...
It slips away, and all your tantrums won't another newscast buy...
Cuts in the Bin
All we are is cuts in the bin
All we are is cuts in the bin...
Why Kansas?
Why not ee cummings?
rock on
Awesome! I can hear th' band parts as I read it.
I think I know the dude in the picture.
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