Saturday, July 16, 2011

Esquire on Deck

Geoff Johnson, Esquire
Geoff Johnson: Sling of the World!
What sort of man reads Viewfinder BLUES? A roguish soul on constant reconnaissance, lens always within reach, a natural born distiller of minutia and mayhem. His gaze is steely, his fingertips rough. But what would you expect from a man unafraid to rock the boat and a professional fanny pack at the same time? Don’t answer that. You’ll only ruin the sound he’s recording. Careful, though. Both those elbows are considered weapons in seven different states. But this fortune hunter of sorts would rather over-light than out right fight. He’s rather parry and spin around any opponent, strike glancing blows with well-placed pans before centering up for a rock steady assault. Yes, this TV stevedore is more than assassin with panache. He’s a weathered escort of the only moments you’ll remember from tonight’s newscast. He knows where to park outside the courthouse, who to woo when the room goes stupid and what to wear when sailing over a pirate ship. Call him a cameraman and he won’t mind, but neither will he answer. He’s far too consumed with what flickers on that tiny screen, the same images you’ll soon see dance across that giant plasma perched atop your hearth. What sort of man reads Viewfinder BLUES? A master of the glass whose world view is limited only by the polish of his press pass and the glow of his cojones.

I guess that explains the wide stance.


Geoff said...

Stay thirsty my friends...

turdpolisher said...

that third leg must come in handy when the seas get rough.

Michael Humphries said...

As an Esquire subscriber, that photo looks like something they'd run. The color tone is perfect. LOL

Anonymous said...

Geoff Glowing Bollocks Johnson. Love it!

гид в барселоне said...

To my mind everybody have to glance at this.