Friends, photogs, countrymen, lend me your ears;
I come not to bury Lenslinger, but to assuage him.
Understand, the very idea of pulling back the curtain and acknowledging the gears are jammed offends my sense of wizardry. Needy screeds, pet photos, witless lists; these are the things that make blogs so Two Thousand and Late. I always wanted this site to resemble a magazine of sorts, a glossy periodical bristling with endless riffs but never straying from its core material. But any weblog worth its weight in pixels is a fairly personal one and this isn't the first time I've had to lament my lack of mojo. Weird, isn't it? A person not paid to write feels guilty for letting a handful of anonymous readers down. If that's not the basis for a new strand of psychotherapy, I'll sell my leather couch... and my tweedy sport coat - the one with the elbow patches and odor of clove cigarettes...
Anyhoo, all I'm trying to say is this: Viewfinder BLUES isn't dead. It's a little down, but not out. Please bear with me as I fend off this existential meltdown, for much like a bad case of gas, it too shall pass. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go figure out something to write about....
This will resolve itself as soon as a driverless runaway truck charges your fancycam or you go flying over handlebars to kiss a tree root. We'll be patient.
It's probably just sweeps. I can't seem to put down any words myself in either my blog or book. It's killin' me!
Like TL said, we'll be patient.
When the words are not flowing, why not take a few pictures. You communicate in many ways, try another.
Fear not. You are appreciated even when you DON'T write. Take a guilt-free break, hop a plane to So Cal, and you'll be so grateful to be back home you won't be able to STOP writing. Always your grateful fan, Flute
Its sweeps-itis man. It sucks the creativity out of everyone and everything.
May 26th, you'll get your writing mojo back.
I agree with Amanda. A suggestion I have used on my own small local news blog. When I hit a dry patch, I have a small group of locals who I trust, and allow them to participate by submitting articles, topics for discussion and even fiction stories, all vetted by me. This gives me time to re-charge, and also makes for some fresh content when Im tied up on some major assignment. It might not work as well for "All things Stewy" here but think about it! You got a lot of shooters lurking here, some of us can write!
maybe you need to devise an iPad app - when photogs can afford iPads...
It's OK to write less. Folks will still read, plus you'll get the yard work done. I reduced my output by about 75 percent; I post once a week, now. I recommend it.
I try to read your blog anytime I can you know, is always so funny read about your life and the activities you do, in fact I want to make my own blog, but based in some way in your blog, there's some problem if I do this?
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