No doubt about it, editing video under heavy deadline can be a face-erasing experience. Just ask El Ocho's own Mike D., who recently lost all but his proboscis in a horrible cut-and paste incident. I was outside the edit bay when it happened. The sounds of his screams still haunt me. Hmm? His facial features DIDN'T get deleted? It's just a blurry shot due to movement? The kind of simple in-camera flaw that would take me twenty minutes and a Final Cut Pro tutorial to replicate in the bay? Oh... Well, even if Mike didn't involuntarily join the Witness Protection Program, that doesn't mean editing isn't stressful. Hell, there are times I'd cough up an extra eyebrow if I could just get a few more minutes to tweak my piece, ifyaknowwhatI'msayin...
Even if you don't, realize that all those muscles strained on the shoot cannot compare to that sour spot in your stomach when you realize that A.) the crumpled paper under your foot is actually a missing page to the script you're cutting, B.) you haven't clicked 'SAVE' since the Bush Administration and now half your dream sequence is missing or C.) that progress bar won't speed up just because you made up whole new curse words. Why it's enough to make an old fart like me harken back to the days of tape-to-tape editing, when instead of simple drag-and-drop skills, you needed duct tape, rhythm and the occasional exorcism to make your daily deadline. At least no one ever lost an eyelid...
Great post! Keep it up the good work and also keep posting.
I think the same because I have a friend who also used to work in this, and I know the effort he did on order to achieve it, that is why I feel so identify reading this good article.
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