Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Fritter and Waste...

TV News. It ain't ALL high speed chases and breathless live shots. Quite regularly, the pace of the hunt slows to nearly unbearable levels. Nowhere is this phenomenon more common that when engaging the judicial system - where cameras aren't always allowed in court. It's when the committed lenslinger has to tap into the powers of inattention that landed him such a silly gig to begin with. Don't believe me? Just ask Paul Martin, who demonstrates the proper loitering technique all the way from across the pond. Of course NOW we all just stare at our Blackberry, iPod or Droid, but you get the idea...


turdpolisher said...


Senator's Forum said...

I must agree with the Turdploisher, did you know?

Anonymous said...

i like turtles

ukcameraman said...

Hey..! i'll have you know that i filmed and edited that film on my iphone in 5 minutes flat. The rest of the time i was running around the place like a blue arsed fly, filming, editing and fixing the live truck...

Thanks Stewart for the links and global exposure...