You there - with the mouse in your hand and glazed look in your eye - THANKS! By simply clicking on this site, you've made a delusional father of two just a little bit happier. Why that is exactly, I can't really say - but knowing there are humans out there who willingly give my drivel a spin warms the cockles of my cold photog heart. Look at it this way: until I get my shit together and turn Viewfinder BLUES into a book (projected completion date: Spring, 2027), you have an exclusive inside look into the mind of a guy the rest of the planet hasn't even heard of. Okay, so that was a lousy sales pitch, but that's wholly appropriate since I'm not trying to sell you anything. Yet. All I'm really trying to say is THANK YOU. Your sporadic patronage almost makes me think there's hope for an undereducated schlub with a writing compulsion. Whether or not this blog ever turns into anything more doesn't entirely matter. I could stop writing right now (honest!) and still have exceeded my literary expectations. Lower your standards and the world's your oyster. Now if you'll excuse me I have a host of other goals to fall short of. This kind of mediocrity doesn't happen by itself, ya know.
Oh - there is one more thing: If you really want to do me a solid (or even if you don't), do yourself a favor and pick up this guy's new book. Brian Clarey's a friend of the blog, his writing is warm and funny and he's a righteous dude to boot. Tell him Lenslinger sent ya. Just don't expect a discount. Fella's gotta eat, dontchaknow... Now go have yourself a Happy Holiday. You deserve it.
2027 eh?
Well that gives me some breathing room than in order to get my book finished before you...
I can always learn from those younger and wiser than I. What I learned today from you: be grateful for the littlest things. Know your limits. And don't schedule your deadlines unrealistically. (Did that - like a silly fool thought I'd have MY book done this spring.)
A faithful fan
Thank you! for writing that is. It's great to be able to read the "drivel"(thats a lie) you manage to make into an entertaining and at times dare I say, educational read.
Well I personally have had a good time reading your, sometimes, rantings. So thanks for that. Doubt if I'd buy the book though so keep schlepping that glass.
Happy new year.
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