Monday, March 08, 2010

Hale to Pay

Whatever you do, don't turn your head... he's watching us. Who? Him! Dude with the toothpick; the one who looks like he's ready to rip somebody's lips off. I don't trust him. He seems kinda ... foreign. On second thought, I DO know him: He's Keith Hale, El Ocho's Chief Photojournalist and one of my many bosses. Thirteen years ago this British ex-pat took a downtrodden photog out for cobbler. We talked about storytelling and when dessert was done I felt a wee bit better about a possible return to the world of news. A few weeks later, I arrived home one night to find my wife all excited about a message on the machine. She hit PLAY and an strangely familiar voice filled the kitchen. It was an English accent (by way of Florida) and it said my tape was 'frightfully good'. The rest I don't remember. All I knew was Crocodile Dundee was throwin' me a bone. The very next day, I resigned my hated Promotions gig and a news shooter was reborn. Since then, the man some call 'Hale-Bop' has done me a string of solids: teaching me how to make a soft-box sing, why logo-wear is for losers, and how to properly say the word "right" (ROIGHT!) While I don't want to use my blog to grovel, I did want to give big ups to the man who helped me rediscover my special purpose...

On second thought, hold my camera. I'm gonna go rip his lips off...

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