When word reached me that a cameraman from 'The Real World' clashed with a crew from WUSA, I asked the same question you probably did: They still tape 'The Real World'? Apparently, they do and this year producers of the groundbreaking reality show are following their cast of aspiring models, rappers and actors all over the nation's capitol as Washington becomes the backdrop for all that lusty teenage angst. Meanwhile, the denizens of D.C. are less than thrilled but more than curious about the 'reality' currently being contrived in their town. Enter Lindsey Mastis, a VJ from WUSA, who had the unsavory task of interviewing the crowd of bloggers and fans outside The Real World house. Soon enough she found an affable chap to chat with, but that's where MTV cameras tried to up the ante by sending their own cameras to interrupt the interview. What followed was a case of lens intimidation that has to be watched repeatedly to be believed...
Now I suppose the pasty guy in the Apple t-shirt was just following MTV's orders, but he so flagrantly blocked Mastis' shot, that he has to be classified a complete douche bag anyway. Sadly, Mastis didn't protest ( she did giggle) and even signed an MTV release so she her non altercation might pop up on the show. You know I guess there's no controversy here at all but at the risk of sounding sexist I have to ask ... Would Apple Boy have done the same with your garden variety news crew? In this case, all he had to do was crowd out a cute female with a baked potato-cam. What would have happened had he tried that with a 300 pound lifer with 20 years of experience and twenty-five pounds of camera? Hard to say, but I know some fellas who would have taken enormous offense and while I don't condone violence, it's not hard to imagine emergency medical technicians being called with great haste to remove a beefy photog elbow from Apple Boy's throat.
They wouldn't have signed releases either...
yeah, apple boy was beggin' for a beat down. anyone besides a green omb would have shouldered their rig and danced a tango around his squinty ass. and the only release he'd have gotten was the old schooler releasing his grip from around his pencil neck, brother of the lens or not!
It pains me that all this douchebaggery has infiltrated my fair city...Apple Boy, the cast, the people who follow this crap, etc. The green vj made her mistake when, after Apple Boy moved she didn't move in close enough that Apple Boy would have assaulted one of them trying to move into the shot. I REALLY hope I see this guy somewhere on the street and have a chance to do all im my power to cause him problems. Also, there's no way in hell the vj should have signed anything without consulting station management first.
A properly placed swing of her right leg at the knee joint could have fixed the problem quickly.
What a dick.
That's it... I'm going to have to come along for a ride-along some time.... you camera guys have all the fun!
That was pathetic on apple boys part. I would have been happy to give him a beat down he was craving.
what a complete arse. I would have been tempted to push my little camera so far up his a**e
That little geek freek wana be would get that camera shoved up his Jonny appleseed a$$ if I was there!! Yeah, I think the reporter thought she was part of the shoot so she went along with that little pricks game. He would NOT stand a chance around me. Boy I wish I was there!!!! Mutha F........
SO does Apple boy qualify as a SCHMUCK or what?
"yeah, they're going to be in your face at first, but once you show them that you're friendly, and that you're not here to harm them..."
I KNEW it, APPLE BOY is actually an alien life form sent here from another planet.
First time he stepped aside, I would've closed in on my interviewee so much that there's no way he'd have stepped between us again.
Oh, and she should switch to a monopod for these gigs-works great for accidentally tripping goons like this.
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