Tuesday, June 09, 2009

A Lack of Happenings

Flea Market Hell
"Honestly you have a much more interesting job than just about anyone I know."

My friend meant it when he said it and I didn't argue with him. But I'd be remiss in my self-appointed duties if I let anyone believe the life of a photog is one of unbridled adrenaline. It ain't. Just ask any news shooter who's tried to claw their own eyes out at the back of a County Commissioners meeting. Or wandered through a flea market five days before it opened. Or wished for death as some expert prattled on about matters the chick with the microphone is only pretending to understand. Yes, like any field of study, Cameramanthropology has its drier chapters. But those of us who have been doing this awhiel have learned to savor those doldrums, for the News Gods are a pissy, vengeful bunch and they can smell complacency from three states away. No sooner than you curse the times for its lack of happenings, some jackhole in the hood stabs his whole family over a Playstation dispute , Mother Nature takes a dump on the tri-county region or Bigfoot gets caught shoplifting at the Circle K. Then suddenly your pulse is pounding through your viewfinder as the live truck throws a rod and your cell phone melts in your pocket. So the next time you hear a news photographer complain about a slow news day, ask to see his press credentials. Chances are the laminate is still warm...

Hmmm. I guess it is pretty interesting, after all.


liv said...

Cameras do funny things to people... at the protest on Saturday I had a strong inclination to toss my shirt off and run out in traffic for the News 14 guy with the pipe.... felt bad for him... as he and one Fox 8 guy are all that showed...

Chris said...

Amen brotha. Keep on keepin' on.

Lenslinger said...

Liv, next time go with you gut. Lose thr shirt and make the news. BTW, that News 14 guy with the pipe was no doubt the great Greg Pell - a one armed legend in these parts...