Nobody becomes a photog just so they can hang out all day. But take it from the Turdpolisher himself: Sit Happens. Yes, for every high speed chase, for every raging warehouse fire, for every floating airliner, there’s a couple hundred bouts of courtroom minutia to record. Trouble is, some states (and all federal) courthouses don’t allow prying lenses inside, a less than transparent policy that kicks the cameraman to the proverbial curb while his better-dressed partner yearns for a sketch artist inside. Time. Stands. Still. But how we handle that downtime illustrates the sometimes imperceptible difference between lifer and loser. Some folks polish their battery collection. Others simply text. I usually hunker down and strive for some reasonable state of Zen. That rarely works however, and I end up tossing pebbles at competitor’s live trucks. Not Louisiana’s own Rick Portier. He uses his quiet time to cook up some potent prose, fire off a few snapshots and find new ways to poke fun at his profession - without alienating his allies. It’s an odd hobby, but one that gives me plenty to read whenever I’m down and out in some half-dead live truck…
Provided I don't doze off first...
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