Friday, September 05, 2008

Processing Chaos

There is much to sort out from Thursday night's mass arrests of protesters and journalists outside the Republican National Convention and just as soon as I sleep off the work-week, I'm gonna jump right on it...


mangler said...

i'm actually out here right now, minneapolis is wild. so many cops everywhere.

Anonymous said...

I hear the St. Paul police have acted in a manner that makes LAPD look like saints. When will the Po-Po's learn?

mangler said...

they are seriously insane out here. i'm not out here for the convention or anything, but i'm filming some bike riding. we got kicked out of downtown within about 20 minutes. first this lady cop screamed into her car's megaphone, "clear the street!" it was so loud and muffled we couldn't understand what she said. so then she speeds up to us and tells me that, "we'll jerk you off your bikes and impound them, your gear and arrest you for public nuisance. get you and your buddies and leave downtown NOW!" wow... nuff said.