Thursday, June 19, 2008

Most Daring Boneheads

Longtime readers may wonder why I'm trotting out the above clip again, but I got my reasons. Of all the flotsam I've stuck on-line, this video of a seemingly possessed truck bearing down on me and mine has proven most popular (fawning Chris Daughtry coverage not withstanding). The YouTube version of our mechanized near-deaths has been viewed a whoppping 317,786 times; it's worth visiting if only for the media-skewering comments that accompany it. Now, however, our mad dash has hit critical mass. TruTV - that bastion of placid programming - has included the clip in its newest episode of Most Daring Videos - DISASTER ON THE JOB!!! Complete with over the top narration and a few angles I've never seen before, TruTV producers pretty much get it right. They interviewed Barrier One president Michael Lamore - who does his best to explain why remote-controlled trucks are naturally attracted to tripod clusters. As for me, I'm just happy to see my friend Erik Liljegren again - even if he is all ass and elbows. I only wish TruTV would consider this disastrous clip. Now there's a backstory...


Anonymous said...

Somewhere in New Jersey, Liljegren is still running!

FlutePrayer said...

This is my favorite!

Brad Weaver, BC Instructor said...

I love it, too. Embedded and blogged about it as well.

Chris said...

That video is awesome. I could watch it all day and still be entertained.