Wednesday, April 23, 2008

NAB 08: Where ya from?

...In which we get increasingly goofy...

(More NAB 08 Videos Here)


Rosenblum said...

You make a GREAT VJ!
Most compelling piece I have seen from NAB. Congrats. Get this baby off to Les Moonves asap.

Unknown said...

Yeah, If a VJ has 2 camera guys and a sound guy helping make him look good.

The 3 of us (Lenslinger, Turdpolisher and Weaver)took turns shooting video and being on camera.

Slinger and Turd are much better natural talkers than I am but there are NAB segments coming where I'm yakking and one of them is shooting.

This was a very down and dirty mission...shooting with my personal $300 camcorder with an adapter for the wired stick mic on way to short a coiled audio cable.

And there's was no tripod or lights in sight...not really obviously...just not one we could use.

Certainly if we had our own good gear at our disposal that's what we'd have used and these NAB videos would really shine.

But still, the video we shot and the time I'm spending editing is far from VJ but different than what we do in local news everyday too.
