Friday, April 04, 2008

Heffalumps and Noozles

Pachyderm Patrol
Crikey, look at the SIZE of that thing! No, not my big melon head; the heffalump grazing in the distance. He’s (she‘s?) just one of the new pachyderms you’ll find chewing the scenery at the North Carolina Zoo. Ten years ago I began making regular safaris to Randolph County‘s crown jewel, where friend of the show Rod Hackney would lead me and my lens through a living menagerie riddled by third graders. Back then we’d shoot four separate pieces in a single day and I’d leave the park totally spent and smelling of elderberries. These days The Zoo Filez is produced out of house and the only time I get down there is to shoot the occasional yak and pony show. Such was the case today, when zoo peeps unveiled the Watani Grasslands Reserve, an $8.5 million dollar overhaul of their venerable elephant and rhino exhibit. Expansive and interactive, the Watani Grasslands afford visitors a new look at the zoo’s marquee creatures - sometimes from as close as forty feet away. That’s within flying dung distance! Trust me, you do not want to be in the sights of these slow-moving sharpshooters when they’re feeling pissy. They can do things with a prehensile tusk that Major League pitchers can only dream of. Don’t worry though; they mainly just target hippies in PETA t-shirts…

Now if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go Photoshop more hair over my bald spot. No wonder the baboons were looking at me funny...


joey flash said...

nice sticks!

Anonymous said...

Dude, the closing shot says it all! Sweeeeeeeeeet

turdpolisher said...

nice job. sweet closer. kinda looks like the senator.

Anonymous said...

I suppose they are all McCain supports?