Thursday, January 24, 2008

Delusional Crooners

If you watched the Charleston auditions of American Idol Wednesday night, well - that's sixty minutes of your life you'll never get back. Don't feel bad though, it cost me a several days! The Holy City was wicked hot back in September when Shannon Smith and I joined the nutbag nation for yet another round of Humiliation Theater. Okay, so there were a few good singers, but they kinda get lost among that cross dressing Elvis lady and the operatic lumberjack. Still, the American Idol audition circus isn't totally without merit; one day sociologists will examine the footage of these mass delusions and decide just who to blame for the downfall of Western Civilization. I got a few theories of my own, but I spend most of my time trying to forget the halitosis, the hubris, the horror of what I saw. That's pretty easy until it's time to edit, at which point I have to lock myself in a small box and pick apart the offending footage. Now that it's done, I'm only waiting for these weird facial ticks to subside. While they do, check out what you DIDN'T see on FOX, including Chris and Corey Lane, two arbiters of what can only be described as "Frat Rap". KICK IT!


Daniel said...

I actually got assigned to do a web video about the final day of the audition in Charleston.

Freak. Show.

David Wharton said...

Still, I'll bet doing AI was more fun than getting owned by Chris Demm.

Anonymous said...

Good to see you that you're true to your roots again! Maybe Fox 8 can do a "where are they now" story. I'd love to see Fantasia, Daughty, Bucky, Pickler and of course Aiken how they are doing.
Wonder if being on American Idol has made them like every other "B" list star. Terrible to deal with!

turdpolisher said...

. . . and so it begins . . . again.

Senator's Forum said...

At least no one tried to sing like Mariah Carey, did you know?