Thursday, December 20, 2007

A Needed Reprieve...

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

2007's almost in the can and your faithful lenslinger is feeling spent. Thus, I'm taking a break; my first real sabbatical since November of 2004. Viewfinder BLUES will return in January. For now I need to rest, open some presents, nibble on my memoir. While I'm away feel free to poke around the archives, lodge a complaint or groove on the above slide show. Finally, thanks to each and every one of you who stops by this sacred (to me, anyway) site. Know that your visits have been a great source of encouragement over the years, leaving me more determined than ever to file something of worth. I'll get back on it when the calendar flips, promise. Until then, here's wishing each and everyone of you a grievance-free Festivus. See ya in '08!


BeFrank said...

Enjoy the break and take care of the cold.

I don't think the internet is going anywhere. We'll all be here when you get back.

FlutePrayer said...

Joining my SoCal friend beFrank in best wishes for a refreshing break. See you in the New Year!

joey flash said...

i don't think you can do it..

Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays to you and the 'Slinger family. Catch you in '08.

Anonymous said...

Best to you and the family for the coming year "slinger.

It's good to take a break. Especially when the winners of the decision are little ones you brought into the world.

Enjoy my friend and I look forward to more from you in 2008.

turdpolisher said...

happy ho, ho to all the slingletts.

killer slide show. might i suggest a soundtrack?

i was popping the itunes while watching. went from b.b. king's don't answer the door to blood sweat and tears god bless the child to dave mathews crash into me eerie how it synched up.

Anonymous said...

Happy Holidays...come back ready to sling us some more copy - from a 'hairdo' who wishes she could shoot!

Oreo said...

Hard to pull my eyes away from the show. Enjoy the time off. You deserve it. But I want to see a book on the shelf by March, heh.

Kenny said...

Well deserved rest.

Can't wait to see what you have to say about the sale of your station.

Merry Christmas

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas and enjoy your time off.

Murman said...

Merry Christmas Stu.

get some downtime and enjoy all those who are special to you.


BeFrank said...

Gee, I thought you were kidding.

Well, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Todio said...

Please enjoy your well-deserved time off. We all need R&R and none more so than my brethren in News. I'm fortunate to be working in the corporate DOC space where opportunities for recharging batteries come more frequently. Turn off your phone and turn off your brain for a while. You'll thank yourself in the morning