Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Go Long...

Whereas I threaten to take a hostage each time the interstate slows to a crawl, NBC cameraman Jim Long hops continents with a kick-ass rig and a transcendental grin. This guy gets around. At last check, he was shaking the dust of Afghanistan from his many lenses, bound for Normandy on a round the world trip with Secretary of Defense Robert Gates. The schedule is tight, the accomodations spotty, but the access - that potent photog intoxicator - is unparalleled. Why else would someone as smart as Jim Long schlep heavy gear across the globe? After all, there are easier ways to see the world. But few travels itineraries offer the chance to peek over history's shoulder - even if you do have to constantly watch your back while doing so. But don't take my word for it - check out Jim's own site and see how the real pros still do it...


Anonymous said...

Jim is the man, and he's all about new media. It's great to see that his employer NBC hasn't punished him for his transparent coverage.

newmediajim said...

Stewart if you look reeeeeealll close you can see my "Rosenblum" camera hanging from my neck. LOL I'm still shaking off the last throes of jet lag. Now i'm back to the plain oatmeal of DC coverage..interviews, standups and newsers...blech!