Thursday, January 04, 2007

Lens of the Lost

Ever have that dream...where you're at work minding your own business and suddenly everything gets all tripadelic? You know, the one where you're sucked down some cardboard time portal and you spend the rest of the night chasing Sleestax politicans across cheesy mid-70's dreamscapes - until eventually you wake-up in the hallway closet with the wife standing over you? Yeah, me neither.


Anonymous said...

I haven't heard anyone reference Sleestax in forever. We must be from the same era. Say "Hi" to Chaka, Ta and Sa for me.

Anonymous said...

Where do you come up with these perfectly weird ideas? I love it!

Anonymous said...

I always thought of politicians more as Decepticons. Actually, I'm convinced that Megatron is our mayor.

Anonymous said...

Something about this picture makes me miss shooting. Weird, huh?