President Bush swinging through the area, I fully expected to be up to my lens in Secret Service agents by now. But a mid-morning pardon freed me from that sentence and before my bosses could change their mind, I was speeding off to the smallest of stories. Call me a creepy old loner, but there's nothing better than taking a quiet drive through the country while the rest of your co-horts clamor after
the leader of the free world. I didn't always feel that way. As a younger news-dork I floored it toward headlines at brazen speeds, hellbent to be the first photog to poke around the perimeter. These days, I'll take a pass - knowing
the next time a visiting dignitary whips up the local papparazzi, I won't be able to wiggle out of the camera scrum. Besides, you been hassled by
one guy in a suit and sunglasses, you been hassled by 'em all.
Just ask Weaver.
I'll take the lonely road with you. The SS has perfected the hurry-up and wait. I'd rather kick up some dust down a dirt road with a few real characters.
When the President comes through town, my wife always asks if I want to be there covering it. I always say no, 'cause like you said, "you been hassled by one guy in a suit and sunglasses, you been hassled by 'em all." Too true.
Amen. I was fortunate enough to have an out-of-town engagement yesterday. There are better ways to spend one's day than as a prop for a photo-op.
I always liked picking on the secret service guys assigned to watch us. I would say "Hey, how come all you guys have hearing aids?" or "Nice sunglasses." Anything to pass the time.
One time I saw a guy walked up to a Secret Service agent on Lady Bird's detail and said, "What's the score?" The agent didn't hesitate and said, "Yankees 3, Boston 6, bottom of the 7th."
I've always admired that quick thinking.
Last time the president came one of our co-workers were stationed at Air Force One. To pass the time away, he lit up a stogey and within 30 seconds several black suited gents emerged from the door of the 747 as well as from under the belly of the plane demanding he extingish his smoking material. It was causing a false positive on some high tech gizmo on the aircraft!
Years ago while still in School at Randolph Tech. I had my run in with those SS guys while covering vice pres Nelson Rockefeller in Greensboro. After getting stiff armed and pushed to the wall I realized this isn't that much fun. The weird thing is the access we had I think we had a press pass that you could get at the event. It could not have been much to getting in I was a 18 or 19 year old student with out enough savvy to get a free lunch at the press tent, amazing when you look at the world today. I am thinking those guys must be wrapped pretty tight these days.
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