Friday, October 20, 2006

The Loopy and the Live Truck

Wet and Stupid
I can't fully explain what my colleague Caron Myers and I are doing in the above camera phone offering, but chalk up the weirdness to deteriorating conditions. See, when you're executing a needless live shot in the driving rain, you can take two approaches: Mutter profusely at the insipidness of it all, or hover over the generator and soak up the fumes. It's a living.


Anonymous said...

That's a much better approach to the situation than my usual way. I'm usually muttering profusely at something or someone. Eh, it helps to pass the time!

Oreo said...

I'm constantly searching for the bolt of lightning that will kill the shot and send me back to the station. Hopefully it strikes before I pull everything out, heh.