Friday, September 22, 2006

Lights, Camera...Jackson!

Jackson Works the GlassI'm worried about the neighbor's kid. The last couple of times I've seen him he's had his Mom's old Sony pressed to his face, tracking his little brother's latest attempt at a daredevil career. Having grown up worshiping at the church of Evel Knievel, I'm all for ill-advised backflips in the cul-de-sac. But I gotta tell ya, Jack's fixation with the glass concerns me. It's just the kind of proclivity that can lead a lad to a life of wobbly lightstands and drive-thru lunches. Not the kind of career plan I'd lay out for the boy. But, that's his parents' business. I swear, though - if I see him twisting knobs on the car radio too hard, or rockin' a tropical shirt - I'm staging a drive-way intervention.

(Post title inspired by a certain defunct photog blog)


Anonymous said...

Set the boy straight, Stew, and hurry. It's too late for us, but maybe it's not too late to save him!!!


newshutr said...

I say knock the little guy over while yelling "I said NO CAMERAS!!!!" He'll get the message and probably become a lawyer...