Sunday, June 11, 2006

Photog at Dusk

The hulking Kentuckian known only as Smitty cuts a lenslinging silhouette in this self-portrait purloined from his own accomplished blog. With his stark posture cutting a heroic hole in the night sky, one gets the impression that no horizon is too distant, no deadline too stupid, no rent-a-cop too pissy to stop this photog from bagging that next needed shot. Then you notice dude is sportin' Adidas flip-flops, and you realize he's just walking his camera out to get the evening paper.

Still, I like the cut of his jib...


JL said...

Nice shot!
(I'd so get my ass kicked if I wore flip flops to work, btw).

Billy Jones said...

Tell him to be careful where he points that thing-- it might go off!