Why should you care? Well, if you don't make it a habit of loitering by calamity's edge, then perhaps you shouldn't - but if you believe in an unencumbered press, consider this: Our democracy works best when journalists are allowed access to both the mundane and the diabolical. Fatality aside, this case ranks somewhere in the middle and the KYTV crews should have been granted a vantage point equal to that of Lurene and Larry Looky-Loo. They were not. Instead, police insisted they report to a special 'press area' where armed constables could make sure they didn't upend the bedrock of the Republic by getting a clear shot of a damaged Elks Lodge. Thanks fellas, Superman can scratch Clinton, Missouri off his to-do list!
Now, I'm not proposing members of the Fourth Estate be allowed to run amok over evidence, crime tape and first responder. But where the public is allowed to gather so should the press - be it a sleep-walking scribe with a filled-up scratch-pad or a tricked-out techie with a lens-extender and a satellite dish. It seems simple, doesn't it? Tell that to the oak tree with the badge pinned to his tit. He'll most likely point his walkie-talkie toward a far-flung spot and suggest you follow it. Sometimes when you have no choice, but no news-stalker I know walks there without a fight ... or as KYTV attornies suggest, 'a quiet discussion'. Spoken like a lawyer, one whose role it is to dodge and obfuscate, not roll up and report. Fine - we all got jobs to do. Just as the deputy has the duty to keep a crowd at bay, the news crew has to right to penetrate the onlooker scrum so those not present can endure the view as well. That's usually how it works, but when testosterone and flashing lights reach a certain temperature, roadside logic evaporates and you can quickly find your camera and your self being pushed back to absurd distances by people who own every wretched season of COPS on special-edition DVD.
Just don't expect the magistrate on duty to appreciate all that delicious irony. Those guys can be real crab-asses...
(UPDATE! Follow this link for copyrighted pictures of the arrest...)
Why wait for her to finish her live shot? If she's breaking the law, arrest her! This was obviously a "send-a-message" kind of arrest. Not a "you're-causing-trouble" kind of arrest. Effin' cops and their little wieners...
Thanks for the pics. They give a much better idea of what was happening on the other side of the camera.
Also, I guess you do have to wonder, if other reporters were working from the same area as the article says, if maybe this wasn't something targeted toward that particular station or crew.
Anyway, of course, I agree with your point and if it is like the lawyer says an police have such broad powers, perhaps somebody should get a legal definition of "emergency". Otherwise, I guess the whole thing also brings into to question the tagline; "When news happens... is there".
Presuming you also know about the recent arrest of a couple of Sarasota newsies who were covering a crash of a military helo into a TV mast in Georgia. Apparently the US Army ordered the arrests. Not quite sure where that sort of authority comes from, but if the boss can do it, so can they.
Jorge, too right on the microwillie syndrome. Far too many American cops are sufferers.
I know exactly where that position was, because we were there all morning for GMA, right next to the NBC boys who are also collegues of mine. I bailed when WNT busted it down to a VO and left my friends to feed MSNBC the rest of the morning.
I know for a fact the locals --HIPO included-- were friendly overnight during the rescue efforts and we coorinated our live positions with the Clinton, MO PIO so that we were smack dab in front of the building.
I am sad to see that the situation deteriorated after I left @10a and am not pointing the finger at anyone since I wasn't there / don't know what
Perhaps it was shift change, but still a lousy deal when the rest of the locals(media and citizenry) couldn't have been more "well behaved".(And believe me, I've been shown the door more than once/jd).
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