Basically, it’s a power grab. Eager to bolster its own network, the NFL seeks to control every frame of imagery captured on field. Who cares, you might ask. Well, a lot of people and not just my lenslinging buddies who are used to viewing the gladiatorial clashes from just feet away. They may not be straight-up newsies, but most of those cats can really shoot. You try zooming in tight on a spiraling pigskin as it rockets in real timer from one goalpost to another. When you’re through catching unfocused sky, come back to the shop and we’ll conjure up some anchor banter to make up for all that fuzzy blue stuff onscreen. Meanwhile the pros with the all-access passes hanging from their lockers can gather about and tell you how we did it back in the day. Maybe then, you’ll get the undiluted scoop on your uniformed lunkhead of choice. You damn sure won’t get it on the NFL Channel…
Why? Because the arbiters of professional athletics are in the game to entertain; they’re not about to sully the waters with anything near the truth. They’ll just crank out gauzy tribute with fawning slow-mo shots and slather the whole thing in solemn baritone. That way you’ll pay less attention to the scandal of the week, be it the defensive end with the nose candy in his glove box or the running back with a penchant for adultery, automotive excess and armed bodyguards. Your local news station will still fill you in, but without the b-roll to back it up, they’ll have a much harder time dropping that knowledge. Instead, you’ll be forced to watch the same stale game highlights they’ve been playing since before the last Astro-Turf divot was replaced. Sure, it won’t make me turn in my TV, but it’s just the latest body-blow in the heated street fight between local sports broadcasters and the rest of the known universe.
Hopefully though, this deal is far from done. The NPPA, NAB, RTNDA and even the KGB have cried foul over the floated plan to oust all unsanctioned cameras. But the NFL holds all the cards and they seem to enjoy watching the other players squirm. Despite how much the local affiliates may threaten to stop covering sick kid visits and off season fund-raisers, your neighborhood news station cannot afford to ignore these operas of offense that foster such rabid allegiance among ad-watching viewers. You’d think the National Football League would want to enable all those hype-dispensers, but they appear more intent on embracing Gestapo tactics in order to alleviate ‘sideline congestion’. You really wanna thin the hash-mark herd? Try kicking out the fattened pack of still shooters clamoring for a close-up, or better yet do something about the fat cats, well-connected Shriner types and high priced call girls who so populate the edges of America’s athletic infatuations. Then maybe, we’ll sacrifice a few rookie shooters to appease the Lords of the Press Pass. Until then, GET OUTTA MY SHOT!
If the NFL is so concerned about "sideline congestion", then they should reduced the number of local news cameras along the sidelines for each game to two---a "pool" camera for the TV stations in the city the game is being played in, and a second
"pool" camera for the TV stations in the home city of the visiting team.
All the stations in the home or visiting team's city will be able to use any of the footage from the "pool" camera that they wish to use.
Both "pool" cameras would be under the joint control of the TV stations in the city the "pool" camera represents.
This way, the NFL sees a reduction of local news cameras along the sideline, but local TV stations still get "localized" footage to use in their news and sports reports.
If this happens, who's going to fill the shoes of their current shooters when they retire? Many of these shooters came from local shops, where they honed their craft on those very same sidelines that will now be out of bounds.
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