Sunday, March 26, 2006

Temporary Dimness

As much as it pains me to do so, I'm going to have to pull the plug. Not on the blog, mind you - but on the computer that acts as its primary mind. It's all part of Operation Cardboard, that series of highly cumbersome maneuvers in which I relocate my every belonging 18 miles to the Northeast. For weeks now my lovely bride has spent each waking weekday hour compartmentalizing our humble abode into corrugated readiness. Now it's time for Phase 2, in which I tap my superhuman powers of photog schlepability to drag every box of books, every crate of Barbies, every trunk full of humiliating family photos into the herculean moving truck that's due in my driveway 12 short hours from now. All of this of course leaves little time for blogging.

But fear not loyal reader(s?), for I am far too hooked on this narcissistic form of communication to completely abandon its discipline. Through the powers of my itinerant laptop, the magic of free wi-fi and the graciousness of my lovely bride, I WILL be checking in to Viewfinder BLUES, even if the home office still is in shambles. Once I am ensconsed in my new lair, I'll have lots to tell you about including more G. Lee, less Idol and a return to the street-level think-pieces I've shied away from as of late. In the meantime, peruse the soon to be dismantled archives, check out the many other fine photog bloggers and know that your lowly lenslinger would much rather be bloviating on-line somewhere than running up and down these cursed stairs playing domestic stevedore.

Oh, and one more thing: Thank You. Writing is something I've found I have to do in order to sleep at night. Knowing that someone is out there reading my drivel is incredibly rewarding, so much so that, for once, I can't come up with enough overblown prose to express my feelings. I'd also like to voice my gratitude to Ruth and Carol, two generous souls who are patiently waiting for me to act on opportunity and achieve some level of near-greatness. That I can do, ladies. Just let me unpack a garage full of boxes, plug in a hundred gadgets and it's on like Donkey Kong. Now hand me that duct-tape, would ya...


Anonymous said...

Let me be the first to say, "Welcome to the Neighborhood". :)

Mr KR said...

The blogosphere would be anarchy without you 'slinger. Or...maybe it's anarchy WITH you. I've just confused myself.

OhioPhotog said...

Lenslinger your blog has become part of my morning ritual, i look for story ideas, read my assignments, then quickly type in to read what you have to say next. Thanks for the great posts.

Billy Jones said...

Blogsboro will be a better place now that you're closer in.

Anonymous said...

I'm missing my Lenslinger fix man!

Take care of your back during the move. You're not as young as you used to be so don't overdue it trying to set new Cardboard Olympics records.

On the bright side, one good thing about moving is all the stuff you find that you thought was lost. Well, that and maybe the new digs.

I'll be here waiting when you get your fingers back to the keyboard my friend.

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