Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Fan Eats Lens

Much love to Fawn Roark of The Mountain Times for sending me this photo of a rabid Keith Urban fan attacking my lens last Friday. As I mentioned in last week's post, the female pandemonium outside the singer's fan appearance was nothing short of apocalyptic. The woman pictured above was the slobbering embodiment of this fervor, displaying a purse-swinging, teeth-gnashing style of idol worship that brings to mind certain Stephen King novels. Newly separated from her husband, the lady who called herself 'Susan' danced a veritable jig for my camera just seconds after she thrust her digits into the hands of one understandably uneasy Keith Urban. I, of course, locked on to the woman's mania from across the room and followed her outside for a post stalking interview, whereupon she gave me the kind of histrionic soundbites we news shooters play over and over and over for our photog friends... Trust me, you would too.


Mr KR said...

I'm sure she's just what Keith is looking for in a woman.

newshutr said...

So close...you could just reach out and smack some sense into her..

The kind of sense that says Urban is dating Nicole Kidman..not a redneck woman.

Anonymous said...

Yeah! :-P What newshutr said!!! Keith has some of the most psychotic fans I have ever seen in my life.