With my bum ankle still keeping me from full photog status, the chiselers here at El Ocho have insisted I pull a few edit shifts to better earn my keep. 'No sweat', I thought, I'll just crack open a breakroom soda, grab some stale cheesy poofs out of the machine and plant myself in front of a warm, dry keyboard. After all, what possible challenges could mere mortal editing present to a highly-seasoned photojournamalist like myself? Remind me to shut up the next time I spout off with those smug, rhetorical questions - would ya?

First of all, we're not talking some sequestered closet where I'd leisurely tweak another boutique piece. No, the suits signed me up for a stint in
Edit 4 - that bastion of broadcast anarchy
some TV stations call '
The Feed Room'. It is a less than soothing place. With its racks of whirring tape decks, bleating playback stations and screeching phones, Edit 4 has the frenzied atmosphere of a front-lines triage unit and Air Traffic Control. All of which makes sense, as this is the nerve center of the newsroom. Every piece of tape, video snippet and digital timeline gathered by our staff passes through these four cluttered walls before spilling out into the region's living rooms. That's where your friendly gimped-up lenslinger comes in...

For it's my duty to sort through the soundbites, map out the mug shots and spruce up the segues that go into your above average newcast. Along the way I have to take in feeds from grumbling field crews, slice out a half dozen teases and send out clips to disembodied voices from far off lands. That's a lot of organizational skills to ask of a guy who loses his car keys every sixteen hours. Nonetheless, I've stayed on-task for two solid nights, working the candy-colored keyboard of my humble workstation at maximum speed, knowing that a single case of photog fat-finger will bring a whole newscast down in flames and spark a post-show investigation that could very well end in me
washing Neill McNeill's car.

Luckily though, I'm under the
command of our Senior Editor, the all powerful Angie Riley. Chief Surgeon of
Edit 4, she can revive a dying line-up with but a whiff of her perfume. Just don't let all that estrogen fool ya, fellas. The lady is a menace!. A proud graduate of HardAss U, she can rip the throat out of a cowering cameraman at a dozen paces. She's the Darth Vader of El Ocho. Ask any news shooter about the sound of her approach - a stirring in the Force followed by a curvaceous shadow and an ever so polite voice telling them they have twice as much work as they thought they did. As the walls of the small room shrink and the clockhands spin, Darth Angie is know to spin on her designer heels, scrape any unfortunate photog-plasm off her shoe and sashay back to
Edit 4. And it's geting worse! Last night I watched her make a confused young shooter's eyeballs bleed simply because he didn't slow-mo his recuts! What's up with
that? If she reads this, a sore ankle will be the
least of my problems.
Help Me Obi-Wan!
I don't know what it is but I really enjoy reading your site. Perhaps its because my wife was once a marketing producer (in your market, no less), or because my law practices often deals with tv station transactions or because I get to see the less glamorous side of the more creative life so many long for.
Whatever it is, keep up the good work. Just don't be one of those who lays the camera on the ground to get some "really cool" camera angle!
Oh, and I appreciate the link. I'll reciprocate when I get my redesign going soon.
Thanks for taking in my feed this afternoon!!! Oh, and winston, come over to my blog to see one of those angles you love sooooooo much. LOL
Angie's never washed my car. Although--and I think everyone would agree--that would be interesting to watch! I'll keep that in mind the next time I have to say "well, what you're supposed to be seeing..." on air during the next video/audio non-match.
We take the folks of Editville for granted too many times. I cant count the number of times they saved my ass by catching my flash frame in a VO.
Roll on Edit 4
Flash Frame
Angie is a sweetheart! I never have any problems with her and the only time I usually hear from her is in the middle of feed crisis. (over the loudspeaker, "Engineering call one-eight-eight, Engineering call one-eight-eight.") You guys are just TOO tough on her!!
As for Angie....the Queen of edit 4....she has to be loud and lethal so that the horney photogs will lift their droopy eyes off her breasts and actually look her in the eye. Then if they used those very same eyes to actually look in a rundown themselves to see what bumps and teases they have then she wouldn't have to track them down in her killer shoes! So not only does she edit circles around people but she also babysits a large crowd of grown men as a part of her daily work. I should know bc one of those men is my husband and I used to be right beside her in the trenches. It is good to see how many people are finally realizing where the real nerve center of the news room actually is! Also if you're ever looking for a missing photog check edit 4 as they will be peering at the queen! :)
I remember the time she had a tizzy after I said I wanted to feed her my package....
All I know is that she keeps me from totally bouncing off the walls at 4:59:50 everyday...
I've witnessed many a "tizzy" myself, but I have to say..Angie is one of the best editors I've worked with over the years! As for those designer heels, don't hold that against her. Those actually belong to a cross-dressing photographer "pal" who I won't name here. (Let's just call him the "Skoal Bandit" of FOX8.)
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