Okay, this
IS disturbing. My third grader, a child of considerable charm and immeasurable wit, has expressed an ongoing interest in broadcasting. She's always been enamored with my profession, but lately she's exhibiting symptoms that are causing worried glances between her Mother and I. Just the other day, she peered in the back of my news unit and exclaimed,
"WOW! This is cooler than a LIMO!" When I came to, the wife was spraying me down with the waterhose and demanding I remove the pimped-out logo-mobile from our driveway.

THIS. When Hannah told me her latest masterpiece was chosen to hang in the local art museum, I was thrilled and told her so. Then I got a look at said rendering and reconsidered my enthusiasm. Told to draw a picture of herself flying over a place she found interesting, my youngest daughter chose (gulp!), El Ocho. Now don't get me wrong; I'll support her in any honest endeavor she chooses, but in the name of all that's sacred,
NOT TEE-VEE NEWS! Luckily, she's very young. There's still time to steer her toward more honorable pursuits, like pharmaceutical sales, real estate or taxidermy. I suppose it's too soon for an intervention...
Relish the moments when your young children think you're cool - it will not last!
Yea, my son thought my job was cool until he found out how much I made. Now he wants to be in a rock band. A rocker over a photographer. Both will have him standing in a bread line. Why don't kids want to be corprate managers and stock analists when they are young? Isn't the coolest job in the world one that pays enough so that you have enough money to do what ever you want? I wish my parents had shown me that a cool job and making money are not one and the same.
yes, my littlest loaf-pincher has displayed an intrest in the view from behind the lens as well. when he's old enough i'll smack some sense into him.
the sales department boy! that's where the money is!
Stew, it could be worse. She could express an interest in becoming a poet. ;-)
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