FOR SALE: The one invention most responsible for the slow demise of local TV news.
And you can get it on eBay! That's right, with just a click and a drag you can be the first on your block to own your very own live truck! This 2001 diesel-powered ENG Broadcast Van can be yours for a mere $29,999.00 (disgruntled photog NOT included). In all honestly, it sounds like a very good deal ... 42 foot pneumatic mast, remote control pan-tilt unit, rear hydraulic outrigger system ... I just can't figure out how the station that's selling it only put 8700 miles on it. We do that in a single ratings month!
(Special thanks to fellow live truck lover Joe McCloskey for alerting me to this bargain ...)
Take video blogging to the next level - on location live shots. This is me waking up. This is me driving to work. This is me sitting in a cubicle. This is me going home. Endless possibilities.
I want that so bad - if only to pimp it out. Chrome rims. Leopard interior. Espresso machine in the glove compartment.
A Robot-pimped live truck. I'd totally buy that one.
Just as long as WE don't have to keep it running!!
I want one!
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