Thursday, August 25, 2005

Sheehan Marine Goes 'Kenny Rogers'

As a working journalist , I'm not about to weigh in on the political potboiler brewing down in Crawford. Having said that, I think The Cindy Sheehan Show has officially 'jumped the shark'. From The National Review:

"While news cameras were filming the event, Marine Jeff Key physically grabbed a cameraman from San Francisco local affiliate KGO. Key objected to the cameraman’s shooting position, which was on the same site where the protesters have erected crosses listing the names of fallen soldiers in Iraq"

I'm all for honoring dead heroes, but one of the tenants they fought and died for is Freedom of the Press. When rabid believers from either side run out of things to do and begin attacking the members of the media they've tried so hard to attract, well - it's time to pack up the circus tent and go home.


Anonymous said...

I'm confused. Was the ex-seaman's problem that the cameraman was standing on "sacred" ground? Or was it a cosmetic angle he was objecting to?

Anonymous said...

I clicked through to the National Review article and read about the response from the Sheehan "spokesperson." Then, I saw the picture of a woman who looks like she should be doing PR for Nordstrom.

This whole Cindy Sheehan thing is becoming absurd. The liberals proved their point weeks ago. Now, as they often do, are going way overboard. At first, I thought Bush was wrong to ignore this woman. Now, I think he's taking the high road.

It's also important to remember one thing ... SHE ALREADY MET WITH THE PRESIDENT ONCE. How many times have you met with the President, Lens? (Standing on the tarmac watching him deplane doesn't count.)

Great blog, BTW. One of the best.

Anonymous said...

I keep forgetting that by Kenny Rogers you mean the baseball player, not the singer of "Gambler" fame. Great blog, BTW - read it every day. Love the history of TV stuff.

Anonymous said...

Just thought you guys would like to see this, the circus is just beginning...Looks like "Miss" Sheenan will be getting some reinforcements

Anonymous said...

I'm in Crawford now. It is crazy here. you can see updates and images at

Video to follow

Anonymous said...

ok, so let me get this straight...

Cindy Sheenan said that Bush was the world's biggest terrorist...right?

So if her son, Casey, volunteered (twice) to join the the military under Bush. Wouldn't that make him a terrorist as well?

So using her rational, Shouldn't we be carrying around protest signs that say...

"Casey Sheenan was a terrorist, Thank god he's dead"

Yeah, I think I'll make one and keep it on hand just in case I run into a local anti-war protest.

Anonymous said...

Casey Sheenan re-enlisted so he could go to Iraq. Facts are Facts. Cindy Sheenan is using the death of her own son so she can her further selfish cause. That is the lowest form of scum that can walk the earth.

Learn more about her cause and followers, by following the link provided.

Lenslinger said...

Wow! ten comments on a throwaway post! Too bad I hate politics...