Normally I wouldn't subject my half dozen readers to this, but look who my friend beFrank ran into at work today. You remember beFrank - that coolest of West Coast news photogs who blogs at the speed of sound. Lately he's been enduring a courtside seat at the trial of the century, er week, er whatever. As with most news assignments, it ain't as fun as it sounds, but today the stars aligned and beFrank got the moniest of shots of the world's most famous alien. Eeeeew...
Visit his site and you'll find more than just jaw-dropping images of the Moonwalking Molester. Lots. Like any photog worth his weight in camera batteries, beFrank notices the little things and points a lens their way - like The Picnic Basket Guy, The Hat Guy and many more twisted details unseen on the Evening News. As always, beFrank adds his own Zen-like take, figuring if Wacko Jacko is found innocent this time, he'll simply get more photos of him at his next trial. No doubt, beFrank, no doubt...
Bryan should don a button that reads, "I shot Michael Jackson!"
I really love your writing and look forward to your posts. Thanks.
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