I'm sick, I tell you - feverish with thought, pregnant with prose and increasingly addicted to blogging. How this came to be is still a mystery, but I can no longer deny it. Consider the signs:
Today at a stoplight I came up with a great blog-topic. I was three paragraphs into the mental screed when a trucker behind me blasted his horn, snapping me out of my crossroad torpor. Seems he didn't care what epistle might be brewing under my lid; he only wanted to offer me the finest in one-fingered driving instructions. Who says chivalry is dead?
Later I was scribbling in a pocket notebook with a cell phone jammed in my ear. Not an unusual thing for a married man, until I caught myself adding html code to the wife’s grocery list. Anybody know where I can two bags of, lemme see... {li}{a ref ='cat food'}{/a} ? Harris Teeter doesn’t seem to stock it.
Worst of all, I can’t seem to keep my new disease to myself. Today at a lengthy Governor’s press conference, instead of daydreaming into my lens, I scribbled my blog address on three business cards and shoved them into the palms of one Jerry Bledsoe, Senator Kay Hagan and eventually, Governor Easley himself.
No wonder the bodyguards were looking at me funny.
1 comment:
-I scribbled my blog address on three business cards and shoved them into the palms of one Jerry Bledsoe, Senator Kay Hagan and eventually, Governor Mike Easley himself.-
Well DONE Lenslinger!! The revolution may not be televised, but it will be blogged, and you'll be all over it.
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