Not since
Micheal Keaton first sported rubber nipples has the world been so turned on by a Batman movie. That includes me of course, but having been born in the 60's, I still consider
Adam West to be the quintessentially cowled crimefighter. These days of course it's all about Christian Bale, or rather, the late Heath Ledger as
Gotham's resident jester. The previews
do look compelling and as soon as the lines die down at the local magoogaplex, I'll pony up for popcorn and take a seat. For now however, I'm sending a henchman to decipher just what was brilliant and what was hype. Meet
The Senator - a Louisiana lenslinger with a few superpowers of his own. While he's there, he'll probably turn a story or two - so don't be surprised if a beefy shadow falls over you as you leave the theater. Don't be afraid; just answer his dopey questions and hope he gets your good side. When he leaves call your Mom, 'cause chances are you're starring in your own four second soundbite tonight. If that's not enough, you may also wind up
on his blog - a dank, subterranean place where Commissioner Gordon can regularly be seen eating Cheetos and hogging the X-box. As for me, I'll be out back on the treadmill. Hey,
these tights don't kick ass by themselves...
You should see their faces when my shadow looms over them. The movie was good, going to see again, did you know?
And Thanks for fixing the photo, I hope I don't crash the site.
Well worth the money and time. At least as good as Batman Begins.
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